Thursday, November 21, 2013

Legendary Guinness Steak Recipe

1 lb sirloin steak
 1 shallot, quartered
6 garlic cloves, pressed
3-5 sprigs fresh rosemary
1 tsp steak seasoning
1 can Guinness stout

 1. Cut steak into 4 ounce serving size pieces and remove any fat.
 2. In a large dish, combine shallots, garlic, steak seasoning and 3/4 of the Guinness. Marinate the steak for 3 hours.
 3. In a very hot skillet, sear the meat for 2 minutes per side for rare, longer if you prefer more well done. Remove to a warm plate.
4. Add the marinade and the rest of the Guinness to the skillet and boil to reduce by about 75%. Remove rosemary and shallots.
5. Serve steak with reduction sauce drizzled over it.

 compliments of

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